Become a Band Fan!

It’s time to say THANKS to our loyal supporters, who are making it possible for AHB to present music to our community this season.

AHB is funded by a variety of sources including corporate sponsors, public entities, community members, band members and grants.

America’s Hometown Band is a not-for-profit, IRS 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible and acknowledgements are sent to donors.

What can you do to help? Take these three steps:

  1. Invite your friends, relatives and neighbors to the concerts! Concert attendees can quickly become enthusiastic BAND FANS.
  2. Point potential supporters to the Band Fan Web page to pledge a donation.
  3. Be an important player in the effort to perpetuate this community musical treasure.
    Please send your check to:
    America’s Hometown Band
    2112 Berwyn Road
    Muncie, IN 47304-3303

Call (765) 289-2041 or email Roger(at) for more information.

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